"I want to know more about the rights that we girls should have. We do not know our own rights. I want to understand them and experience a new version of myself by knowing such things. I want to pass it on to others.”

-Ariana, age 17, Kabul, Afghanista

Voices Unveiled - Educating and Empowering Women in Afghanistan

Voices Unveiled launched in February 2023, answering a desperate call from Afghan refugee women in the wake of the Taliban's resurgence post-US troop withdrawal. Their plea was simple: provide free online education in Self-Empowerment and Feminism to Afghan women and girls sidelined from society. Our mission expanded swiftly, reaching beyond borders to empower women in Afghanistan, bolstering mental health and fostering connection in the face of adversity.

Mission: Voices Unveiled empowers Afghan women with free online education, mental health support, leadership development and community building. Together, we shape brighter futures.

Voices Unveiled envisions a world where the silenced are heard, where empathy fuels action, and where compassionate leaders rise to drive change. We're committed to building a global community founded on justice, equality, and the profound impact of self-expression, education, and empowerment.

Voices Unveiled on Channel 9 NBC News